Sunday, May 25, 2008

Trials and Tribulations

At the moment sex or making love with John has a purpose we are trying to have a baby, this is our second attempt, the first attempt at having a baby started last November and we managed to conceive at Christmas time. So we spent the summer looking forward to bringing a wonderful little life in to the world, but alas this was not to be. At our first scan at 11 weeks we found that it had died, mother nature had decided that it was not meant to be. So what was supposed to be a good time suddenly turned bad. I spent most of March in extreme physical and emotional pain. As I had had what they term as either a missed miscarriage or missed abortion, I had to go into the hospital and be induced. This meant I basically gave birth to what would have been my baby. Which is painful as I had contractions and dilation, just like women who get to give birth to healthy living babies.

So now we go though the trials of testing for ovulation, hoping for a missed period, and when if a period happens being down and feeling knocked out. So fingers crossed John scores a hole in one again. One step at a time until we reach the finish line of a healthy and happy baby.

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